Thursday, December 14, 2006

Step 1

As the title suggests, I'm new to this blogging lark. It seams to be all the rage and I don't know why? All the same if anyone want to know whats going on in m life why shouldn't I share it?

At the moment 3 things seam to rule my life. First and most important my family, then work and I have set myself the task of setting up a Christian Lunch group at work.

This last item is currently keeping my mind ticking over with ideas. The concept is that people are too busy to go to church and bible study groups so I thought lets have a gathering when people can make it; their lunch break. we can get together, eat our sandwiches and share our thought and experiences, nothing heavy.

I just hope that some colleagues may come to see what this religion thing is all about and find they want to get to know more

How to start? how to get people to come? how to catch their imagination? . I though of a working name for the group The 'F' and 'C' words. (Faith & Christian)